5 reasons a graduate will help your business

Wednesday, August 19, 2015
As a starter, did you know there are over 150,000 students studying at University in South West England?
This means locally there are about 30,000 new graduates every year. A huge talent pool for local businesses to access.

What are the benefits of hiring graduates?

1. New talent

It’s always good to bring in fresh ideas and a new perspective, and graduates bring with them recent knowledge from University and don’t suffer from a “we’ve always done it that way” mentality. You’ll benefit from their flexibility, creativity and motivation to grasp a new opportunity.

2. They’re affordable

Average starting salaries are lower than you might think at under £20k in most roles (more if you want a programmer!). The media headlines focus on blue-chip grad schemes, but most graduates don’t start on the headline grabbing figures often quoted.

3. Train them your way

New graduates are ready to learn: it’s what they’ve been doing at University and they will continue to do so when they join you! They’ll question why you do things a certain way through, it’s what they’ve been taught to do at Uni, and that challenge can improve the way you work.

4. Future proof your business

Entry level graduates can rapidly become your managers of the future.  They tend to seek out responsibility and take ownership of their work.  It is something they’ve had to do to get a degree. Graduates want careers, and if you develop them in house you’ll benefit from that too.

5. Your Return on Investment is well established

Graduates generate business growth, improving your bottom line. Employers are sometimes concerned that graduates won’t stay long enough to make a return on the investment. This is not borne out by research. The Institute of Employment Studies (IES) research “Measuring Up: Benchmarking Graduate Retention” concluded that retention rates are high at 86% on average after three years.

All the research says graduates make your business more productive, help it grow and improve profit. Why would you not do something that makes you money!


Dr Deborah Watson, Director, Gradsouthwest Ltd.