HEADwRECk recruits graduates for the recruitment industry. The company has been working with Gradsouthwest since 2017 to source talented and ambitious graduates for roles in Bristol and the wider south west.
Using its extensive experience of effective recruitment, Gradsouthwest devised and implemented a series of advertising campaigns to maximise candidate attraction, including; vacancy listings, targeted e-shots, social media campaigns and showcasing HEADwRECk to individual students and graduates at university career fairs.
Emma Webb, Director of HEADwRECk commented: “Gradsouthwest have been great to work with – really helpful and flexible in drafting and getting adverts up and live, and really successful in sourcing candidates. The personal touch is something you just don’t get with national job boards, and it makes the difference when you are tailoring your recruitment.”
Gradsouthwest and HEADwRECk are delighted to showcase the experiences of recent graduate recruits
Ben Fowler - University of Exeter graduate
“I met Ben at the University of Exeter Summer Careers Fair in 2018 and he was asking about working in recruitment – I immediately put him in touch with Emma at HEADwRECk. Ben now works for Sandersons in Bristol as a direct result of that conversation.” – Dr Deborah Watson, Director, Gradsouthwest
“Speaking to Deborah at my Uni careers fair literally got me my job. She recommended Emma at HEADwRECk and after calling Emma, being interviewed by her and learning all about recruitment from her, it was only a matter of weeks before I started my new job in Bristol, and I love it!...” – Ben Fowler, University of Exeter graduate
Zoe Latuska - University of Bristol graduate
Zoe found her job through Gradsouthwest and HEADwRECk. She loves her Bristol based job.
“My experience in the recruitment industry has been a lot of fun. I have had amazing support from my colleges and invaluable training from all in the office. Recruiting is an extremely rewarding environment to work in, every day is different and every day you learn something new. HEADwRECK has been an amazing help to get me on the first step of my career ladder. I was amazed at how quickly and how efficiently they worked to secure me an interview and then my job. I am excited for the future in recruitment and all it has to offer!” – Zoe Latuszka, graduate from the University of Bristol
Sinead - University of Birmingham graduate
Sinead found her job via one of the Gradsouthwest targetted e-shots.
“I received an e-shot mail from Gradsouthwest and I responded to it. This led me to Emma at HEADwRECk and she interviewed me and I quite quickly got offered a job. I initially knew nothing about the Recruitment Industry but am so happy I registered with Gradsouthwest and it led me to my career - it is always different every day and is ALL about relationships and building them both with clients and candidates. I have also earned quite a lot of money which is really helping me save for my first house. The interview with Emma really set me up for my interviews with her clients and I was actually offered 2 roles! " - Sinead, Graduate from the University of Birmingham
If you are interested in working in the recruitment industry do get in touch. HEADwRECk regularly has new roles available - click here to see to view current openings.
Please visit our Recruiter Information pages for more information about how to recruit with Gradsouthwest.