Are you searching for Data Science Unicorns?
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
They’re a rare beast, and finding them is tough. Growing your own is the most efficient way to nurture the curiosity that creates depth and breadth in your data science business strategy.
Data-driven companies are over 10% more productive than ‘dataphobe’ organisations. Increasing the data science knowledge already inside your business will provide you within depth understanding of your customers, a differentiation between your organisation and your competition and a marked improvement in your processes.
Data Scientists seek insights from complex datasets using fundamental mathematical and computational techniques, machine learning and statistical modelling approaches. Combine this with a deep understanding of the underpinning tools and platforms, the wider social context, governance and how to use specific applications of data science in diverse areas, and you begin to see the benefits they bring.
Should you grow a data science unicorn? Undoubtedly, yes. Will it be tough? Maybe, but ultimately worth it. Do you need help? Our exceptional programme has been developed to face these challenges with you.
The MSc Data Science(Professional) at the University of Exeter is an innovative taught course targeted at organisations with exceptional talent who want to extend their learning. It has been designed and delivered with industry, and provides outstanding training in data science, with projects tailored to your business. Click HERE for more information.