When we asked our graduates and employers about social media usage we came up with a few differences of opinion that are worth sharing. Firstly, most of our employers are using Twitter and LinkedIn to look for new staff; whereas most of our students and graduates are using Facebook to look for jobs! If you’re not looking in the same place you won’t find each other… that’s why Gradsouthwest use all three :-)
Both recruiters and job seekers now actively search out information on-line about the other… This is now a given, so clean up your profile and make it reflect how you’d want to be seen.

Employers are looking at LinkedIn and some are even using it so that you can apply for jobs directly with your profile.
So you really do need to sort yourself out a fine looking profile!
We have been working with Alastair Banks at Optix Solutions to provide high quality support in how to use LinkedIn to grow your network. In two months it's had over 160 students from all over the world and is rated in the top 3 on that subject on Udemy.
At the end of the course you will be able to create a LinkedIn profile that gives you the edge over others. You will know how to build your network quickly and effectively. You will be able to use quick tips and tricks that Alastair has picked up in the last ten years of using this platform for generating opportunities and business for yourself.
If you are interested in finding out more - preview the course.
Now it’s time to tidy up Facebook. We know. We’ve looked!
We’ve been conducting a little experiment. Every time one of you lovely graduates likes our Facebook page, we click on your profile. Not to be nosy you understand, but to gauge how savvy graduate job seekers are about privacy on social media.
What have we learnt? Well, let’s just say you’re all having a cracking time out there! Mostly we’re envious, occasionally we’re shocked and every now and then, we’re impressed. Impressed because we can’t see anything about you. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.
And with Facebook, that’s how it should be. It’s a social forum and while even serious graduate types are allowed to have fun, recruiters don’t need to see you dancing on tables, pouting in selfies or swapping risky anecdotes. They will look – probably before you even meet at interview – and you don’t want to lose out on a great job as a result.
So take these steps now to lock down your Facebook activities
Time invested now in tidying up your settings will be well worth it when you come to apply for jobs. But please, don’t stop having fun – just be more discreet online so that we don’t feel quite so envious.
What about Twitter, Instagram etc..?
Again - the message is the same... tidy them up so that you are showing employers either nothing, or the YOU they should employ!
Now your social media accounts are sparkling don't forget to give us a follow or connect so that we can make good on our promise to help you use social media to get the job of your dreams!
The key ones are our Job e-alerts, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter - go on do it now... follow us buttons are at the top of the page!
Other social media tools, like instagram and snapchap, have yet to make it into recruitment mainstream, but with regular new social media arrivals we are always looking at how we can help you find the career of your dreams!
Give us a quick follow on our Instagram account (www.instagram.com/Gradsouthwest) to see what we are doing there!