Funding & Support for Graduate Recruitment

Posted on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 by Gradsouthwest Team1 comment

Graduates offer many benefits to companies. A number of schemes offer incentives to take on a graduate to work on a specific project. Set up to overcome the barriers to taking on a graduate, most schemes are targeted at SMEs and a number are currently available in the south west including:

STEM Graduates into Business aims to incentivise and support innovative SMEs working across Devon to employ a science, technology, engineering or maths (STEM) graduate intern. Recruitment support plus a payment of between £1,800 - £3,600 is available to offset some of the employment costs.

University of Exeter Graduate Business Partnerships support South West organisations from a range of sectors to recruit intelligent and enthusiastic graduates into full time roles. For a small fee, organisations receive support for recruitment, training, contracts and overall support and guidance.

Unlocking Potential supports business in Cornwall with a fully-funded and tailor-made package of business support, including recruitment support.

Santander Universities SME Internship Programme The programme gives students access to the industries and organisations that they want experience in and there’s also a possibility of extending the internship, or moving to a permanent contract depending on the needs of the SME. The interns are paid £300 per week for placements between 2 and 10 weeks. Half of this is paid by the SME and half by Santander. For placements that are 2 weeks or less, Santander will cover the cost. You can apply direct or ask your local university of they offer the programme. Schemes are currently offered by Bath Spa University, UWE, University of Bristol, and University of Plymouth.

In addition to these established schemes, university career services sometimes offer ad hoc schemes at different times of the year. Please contact your local university career services to find out what’s on offer.

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1 comment on "Funding & Support for Graduate Recruitment"

  • Recruitment Agency Software says: 20 March 2019 at 06:53

    Thanks for sharing these tips! I am sure your tips really helpful!