2019 Highlights and Our Plans for 2020
At the beginning of 2019 we talked about our plans for the year being to continue to develop partnerships, enhance employability of students and grow our reach.
2019 has been a challenging year for all with political and global uncertainty hitting the jobs market^1. Even in challenging times, we have continued to help employers reach those that want to work in the region, and to support students with their employability so that they are more work ready upon graduation.
1 May 2019 saw us launch GradWales.com to support employers and students/graduates in Wales following requests for such a site from students we spoke to at Welsh Universities.
We have also seen:
- another new record for the number of student registrations at the autumn careers fairs - bringing you even more candidates.
- the launch of the 3rd Edition of our SW Graduate Scheme Directory
- new and developing partnerships with us:
- becoming the recruitment partner with University of Plymouth to deliver the STEM Graduates into Business project;
- partnering with Bath Spa University, the University of Bath, Bath College and the Swindon & Wiltshire LEP to deliver the OfS-funded GradTalent Development Agency project
- continuing to work with the University of Bristol's Bristol Plus scheme and carrying out mock interviews;
- continuing our mentoring at the University of Exeter, and our recruitment partnership with their Graduate Business Partnership (GBP) programme;
- judging creative CVs at Plymouth College of Art; and
- delivering workshops at Hartpury University.
All of which adds up to us delivering more high quality candidates that want to work in south west England, and now Wales too.
So what for 2020?
We hope for improvements in the job market, and a return to hiring as business confidence grows.
We aim to build upon our local knowledge of graduate recruitment as it becomes ever clearer that many graduates are not particularly mobile but are loyal to their region when it comes to securing work.
Delivery of the GradTalent Development Agency project is high up on our to do list - click to find out more about how we can help you recruit if you are a SME in Devon, Dorset or Somerset - as we continue to work in partnership with those that support graduate retention in the region.
We aim to continue to test out new partnerships and routes to support students and graduates: for their benefit and the benefit of our employers who get access to high quality graduate employees that want to work in the region.
We look forward to working with you in 2020. Do get in touch if you need support setting up your job adverts - we are only too happy to help
Deborah & Charlotte
^1 UK employers 'pause' job hiring as demand falls to seven-year low