New Subscription Model Launched

Posted on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 by Admin GradWalesNo comments

What's the problem?

Money is tight. The employment market is tight. Employers are struggling to recruit... and therefore need to advertise more widely and tap into new sources of employees.

We have a solution! We want to see more jobs on Gradsouthwest, but we recognise that you can't currently afford to post all your graduate jobs with us.

So to make posting more efficient and more affordable we are launching a subscription pilot.

  • Unlimited* Standard Job Postings = £600 ex VAT per year
  • Unlimited* Featured Job Postings = £900 ex VAT per year

* No risk to you

If you publish fewer jobs than you expected we'll roll the credit forward for those that were not used at a rate of the current cost of a job advert. e.g. you only post 3 standard jobs, we role forward £300 worth of credit (£600-the cost of 3 standard posts) to your account the next year - and you can then post £300 worth of jobs. These are job credits and can't be redeemed for other packages.

Reduced risk to us - we really do mean unlimited - but this is a pilot so we'll have to see how that goes. Initially we'll add 26 credits to your account - the equivalent of a job a fortnight. But they'll have to be used within the year. Need more than 26 – talk to us.

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