New Recruitment Support for SW SMEs
Led by Bath Spa University, the GradTalent Development Agency is a new initiative funded by the Office for Students which aims to help local* graduates secure graduate opportunities in the south west.
This is partly in response to research** which shows that in 2017, two thirds of new graduates started work in their home region. Boosting local employment opportunities is now very much on the agenda of universities and local industrial strategies.
"In 2017, two thirds of new graduates started work in their home region"
As a longstanding champion of local opportunities, Gradsouthwest is delighted to be a delivery partner for this new service. As such we can now offer a range of recruitment services free of charge to eligible employers including:
- A recruitment advert on Gradsouthwest (worth £140 + VAT)
- Candidates sourced direct from our live job listings and comprehensive CV database
- Assistance with designing an effective recruitment process (if required)
- Assistance with designing an induction and training and development programme (if required)
- Specialist advice and guidance to assist businesses in employing disabled graduates (if required)
To be eligible via Gradsouthwest, employers must:
- Be a SME based in Devon, Somerset or Dorset and;
- Not have advertised on Gradsouthwest in the last 2 years and;
- Be recruiting to a graduate level position
What if I am outside of Devon, Somerset or Dorset?
If you are a SME with a graduate vacancy based in Bath, Bristol or Wiltshire, it is likely that you will still be eligible for support from one of the other project delivery partners and we can refer you to them. Other project delivery partners include Bath Spa University, the University of Bath, Bath College and the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnerships.
Who do I contact?
Please contact the Gradsouthwest team and we'll be pleased to assist.
Tel: 01392 241 302
*Graduates originally from the South West, who went to University in the South West and are looking for jobs in the South West.
**What Do Graduates Do Regional Edition, October 2019, Prospects & AGCAS.This is based on data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency's (HESA) Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) 2016/17 survey, and the Employer Skills Survey 2017.